Depressed Modeling Sites

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The Sad Etsy Boyfriends Tumblr Makes You Sympathize for Men

Tumblr has yet again produced an instantly classic site entitled 'Sad Etsy Boyfriends.'

The site was inspired by Urlesque's 20 Sad Etsy Boyfriends and has proven that girlfriends can be quite convincing at times when it comes to forcing their boyfriends to don their fashions.

The site owner has claimed the site is "Dedicated to the wretched creatures abused for economic gains by their Etsy girlfriends." Not only do these photos have an overall depressing feel, some of the fashions the individuals model are just plain bizarre.

The Sad Etsy Boyfriends Tumblr is the perfect way to kill some time, allowing you to simply shake your head at the poor souls who are forced to pose in their girlfriend's fashions.
Trend Themes
1. Gender-specific Ecommerce - The trend of gender-specific eCommerce websites and marketing is disrupting traditional eCommerce industry with unique opportunities for targeted sales and branding.
2. Humorous Ecommerce - Humorous eCommerce websites and social media accounts are disrupting traditional eCommerce industry with unique opportunities for marketing and advertising products with humor.
3. Bizarre Fashion - The bizarre fashion trend is disrupting traditional fashion industry with unique opportunities for experimentation and redefining the boundaries of fashion design and style.
Industry Implications
1. Fashion - The fashion industry is facing disruption from the bizarre fashion trend, which offers opportunities for designers to experiment with unconventional styles and redefine the boundaries of fashion.
2. Social Media - The humor-based social media trend is disrupting the industry and creating opportunities for businesses to engage customers and market their products in creative and entertaining ways.
3. Ecommerce - The gender-specific eCommerce trend is disrupting traditional eCommerce industry with unique opportunities for targeted sales and branding.

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