Accessible Convenience Store Wines

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Rutas de Cafayate Malbec is Being Widely Launched

The Rutas de Cafayate Malbec wine is a new libation being launched by Pernod Ricard into the convenience store channel in a bid to help offer consumers with an easier way to pick up a premium variety at their leisure. The product is sure to come as welcome news to consumers with an interest in Argentinian wine, which is reported to be one of the fastest growing country of origin wines. The product is available now at major wholesalers in the UK and is priced at £8.50 per bottle.

The Rutas de Cafayate Malbec wine is also reported to be a great option that follows on the continued success of Malbec wine varieties within the impulse channel.
Trend Themes
1. Accessible Wine Options in Convenience Stores - The growing popularity of wine in convenience stores presents an opportunity to offer more premium varietals at reasonable prices.
2. Argentinian Wines in the UK Market - As the interest in Argentinian wine continues to grow fast, UK retailers could benefit from offering a wider selection.
3. Continued Success of Malbec Wine Varieties - The success of Malbec wine in the impulse channel suggests a potential market for other similar varietals.
Industry Implications
1. Convenience Store Retail - As consumers expect more convenience, retailers could differentiate themselves by offering a wider selection of premium wine varietals.
2. Wine Import and Distribution - As the popularity of Argentinian wine grows, importers/distributors could explore partnerships with major wholesalers to reach a wider audience.
3. Wine Production - Malbec wine could serve as inspiration for other varietals to break into the convenience store channel and expand their market reach.

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