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Moving Inkblot Disguises

This Rorschach Mask Will Have You Seeing More Than Butterflies

Okay, so you already wore a Rorschach mask for Halloween 2009, the year the "Watchmen" movie actually hit theaters, but any true fan of the graphic novel will want to renew their existing costume with this new version of the righteous superhero's mask.

Named by the online store that sells them,, as being "the best Rorschach-style replica mask you will find", what makes this model so different from other varieties is that the inkblot actually moves and changes shape just like it does in the film.

The thin fabric masks features multiple inkblot graphics that shift and transform when they react to the heat of your breath. So get ready to impress your friends with this amazing Rorschach mask collectible and show them who the real fan boy is.

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