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Religious Apps are Becoming Popular Downloads on Smartphones

While religious apps may not be the first software you'd think are popular, the 'Bible' app recently passed 100 million downloads, putting it on equal playing grounds with well-known apps like Facebook.

Bible isn't the only religious app that's gaining popularity, and Christianity isn't the only religion that's making the switch to reach people digitally. For example, iQuran is an app for Islams to constantly stay in touch with their religion and for really anyone interested in learning about the faith. Likewise, the Missio app provides Catholics with homilies and religious-related news.

Finally, GoogleGlass is in the process of making JewGlass, which translates Hebrew and locates synagogues and kosher restaurants.

While some people may find religious apps offensive, it's actually a great way to encourage a younger generation to gain knowledge on a variety of religions.
Trend Themes
1. Rising Religious Apps - The popularity of religious apps like the 'Bible' app and iQuran highlight the demand for digital tools to support faith practices.
2. Multi-faith Digital Connections - Religious apps are now catering to a variety of faiths, providing opportunities for people of different religious backgrounds to connect and learn.
3. Technological Enhancements in Religious Practices - The development of JewGlass by GoogleGlass indicates the potential for disruptive innovation in the integration of technology and religious rituals.
Industry Implications
1. Mobile App Development - The rising popularity of religious apps presents a potential market for developers to create innovative and user-friendly religious applications.
2. Digital Faith Education - The demand for religious apps opens up opportunities for the development of online platforms or educational apps catering to different faiths and spiritual practices.
3. Smart Eyewear Technology - The development of JewGlass showcases the potential for disruptive innovation in the integration of religious practices with smart eyewear technology.

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