Tattoo Artist Paintings

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The ‘Raking Light Projects’ Gallery Offers Amazing Original Ar

The ‘Raking Light Projects’ is a new service that offers original artworks that are designed by tattoo artists. The company is based in Los Angeles, California, and was launched in March of 2012. It was founded by Eddy Deutsche and Andrew Fingerhut.

The gallery features works by internationally renowned artists who have a background in tattooing. People often forget that tattoo artists are creators that have vivid imaginations and incredible talent, a fact often left unseen or discredited. This platform allows these artists to come out of their shell to display their creations in a more public way.

This business concept by Deutsche and Fingerhut is truly distinctive, and offers a fresh avenue for consumers to dive into. These works would be particularly appealing to those who love the artistry behind tattooing.

Trend Themes
1. Original Tattoo Artworks - The rise of a new market for original artworks designed by tattoo artists presents an opportunity for collectors and art enthusiasts.
2. Tattoo Artists as Fine Artists - Recognizing tattoo artists as creators with vivid imaginations and incredible talent opens up new possibilities for collaborations, exhibitions, and recognition in the fine art world.
3. Publicly Showcasing Tattoo Artist Creations - Providing a platform for tattoo artists to display their creations in a more public way allows them to reach a wider audience and gain recognition beyond the tattoo industry.
Industry Implications
1. Art Market - The art market can explore the potential demand and value of original artworks created by tattoo artists, offering a unique addition to their existing offerings.
2. Tattoo Industry - The tattoo industry can embrace the idea of tattoo artists as fine artists and develop initiatives that promote their talent and expand their reach beyond tattooing.
3. Online Art Platforms - Online art platforms can create dedicated sections or categories for tattoo artist creations, catering to a niche market and attracting a new audience.

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