Antislavery Pants

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Punjammies by Women Who Have Escaped Prostitution in India

With a fun name, an even more playful style, and a story you want to share, Punjammies makes a noteworthy social enterprise.

Punjammies was created by the International Princess Project, and is a bright line of lounge pants created by women in India who were once forced into prostitution. After a woman escapes from prostitution, it is difficult for her to be accepted in society, and finding another income earning opportunity can be impossible for many. Fortunately there are aftercare centres like the International Princess Project who help them back on their feet.

The employment opportunity with Punjammies allows women to rebuild their lives with dignity and confidence, and the sale of their handmade pants allows them to earn fair wages and gain access to counselling, medical care and education.

"Every PUNJAMMIE™ tells the story of a woman who was once voiceless," the site says. "You can be a part of rebuilding lives shattered by modern-day slavery. Wear PUNJAMMIES™. Wear hope."

Contact Information
Punjammies website
International Princess Project website
International Princess Project on Twitter
International Princess Project onFacebook
Trend Themes
1. Social Enterprise Clothing - This trend involves creating clothing products that also benefit society by providing employment and support to marginalized groups.
2. Fair Trade Fashion - The trend is about creating clothing that is ethically made, and ensuring fair wages to workers in developing countries.
3. Sustainable Apparel - This trend refers to creating clothing that is environmentally friendly and promotes ethical and sustainable practices in the fashion industry.
Industry Implications
1. Fashion Industry - The fashion industry can leverage this trend to promote ethical production and support fair trade practices, disruptive innovation can be achieved through sustainable and ethical design.
2. Social Enterprises - Organizations can adopt this trend to create business models that promote social impact alongside financial returns, leading to better livelihoods for marginalized communities.
3. Non-profit Organizations - Non-profits can leverage this trend to create sustainable employment opportunities for disadvantaged communities while advancing their impact mission.

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