Alcohol-Free Pumpkin Ales

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Libra Pumpkin Spice Ale is a Low-Calorie, Non-Alcoholic Fall Beverage

Pumpkin Spice Ale is the new seasonal release that's joining Upstreet Craft Brewing's Libra line of non-alcoholic beers and it is full of comforting fall flavors, just 30 calories and 0.4% ABV. The non-alcoholic beer boasts favorite fall aromas like cinnamon and nutmeg, as well as sweet and salty notes that create just the right balance of flavors.

Upstreet Craft Brewing's Libra line has quickly become a top-seller, even beating out some of the brewery's other craft beers. This autumnal non-alcoholic brew, and others from the Libra range, help people to create a sense of balance in life without sacrificing health. The brewery sees that Millennials and Gen Z are driving the reduced alcohol consumption movement and in recent years, people have doubled down on personal health and wellness.
Trend Themes
1. Non-alcoholic Beverages - The growing trend of non-alcoholic and low-calorie beverages is disrupting the alcoholic beverage market, creating opportunities for new products like pumpkin ales to meet this demand.
2. Health & Wellness - The trend towards healthier or reduced calorie beverages is a growing trend in the market and the Libra Pumpkin Spice Ale taps into this trend.
3. Millennials and Gen Z - The reduced alcohol consumption movement driven by Millennials and Gen Z is a trend that businesses can capitalize on with new product offerings like non-alcoholic pumpkin ales.
Industry Implications
1. Beverage - The beverage industry is being disrupted by the non-alcoholic beverage movement, as more consumers prioritize health and wellness.
2. Craft Beer - The craft beer industry is being disrupted by the trend of non-alcoholic and healthier options that appeal to younger generations.
3. Food & Beverage Retail - The food and beverage retail industry can capitalize on the trend towards healthier and non-alcoholic beverages by offering products like pumpkin ales that meet this demand.

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