Illustrative Prosecco Packaging

Prosecco Picchetto Verde Has a Scribbled-Like Quality

The design for Prosecco Picchetto Verde has an illustrative, scribble-like quality to it that makes the brand different than most higher class alcoholic beverages.

Prosecco is known to be drunk on a nice evening out and for special occasions, so usually most branding takes on an elegant look, but this one goes in the opposite direction. Everything is still very clean, but the lines are not perfectly symmetrical or ornate, but rather look a bit like a child's drawing (a good one at that). Sometimes it's better to go in the completely opposite direction to competitors with branding to ensure that one is not lost amongst a sea of similar business packaging ideas and looks.
Trend Themes
1. Illustrative Packaging - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Explore unconventional packaging designs that stand out from competitors and appeal to a different target audience.
2. Scribble-like Design - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Embrace unique and imperfect aesthetics to create a memorable brand image that breaks away from traditional elegance.
3. Contrarian Branding - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Differentiate from competitors by intentionally deviating from industry norms and creating a distinct brand personality.
Industry Implications
1. Alcoholic Beverages - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Introduce unconventional packaging designs that disrupt the visual language of traditional alcoholic beverages, appealing to a younger, trend-focused market segment.
2. Packaging and Design - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Encourage experimentation with unconventional packaging techniques and aesthetics to create unique and memorable brand experiences.
3. Marketing and Branding - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Challenge industry norms in branding by embracing unconventional aesthetics to stand out, create brand loyalty, and attract a distinct consumer base.

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