Mythical Creature Taxidermy

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From Professor Copperthwaite's Collection of Fictional Travels

Taxidermy is nothing new, yet the stuffed prizes from Professor Copperthwaite's collection definitely defies what we thought we knew about this type of preservation art.

This assortment of crazy and imaginative animals include odd creatures like a flying cat, a unicorn, an abominable snowman and a hairy swordfish.

Whether or not these creatures actually exist, wouldn't you love to own one and see how many people you can fool with their existence?

Implications - My favorite by far is the kitten with a set of angel wings as it somehow managed to make an adorable creature even more adorable. If only such a creature existed, I'd become a crazy winged-cat lady in a heartbeat!
Trend Themes
1. Fictional Creature Taxidermy - There is a growing interest in creating and owning taxidermized versions of mythical and fictional creatures.
2. Fantasy Art Preservation - Preserving fantasy art and bringing it to life through taxidermy is becoming a popular trend.
3. Illusionary Taxidermy - Artists are experimenting with taxidermy techniques to create creatures that challenge our perception of reality.
Industry Implications
1. Art and Collectibles - The art and collectibles industry can benefit from this trend by incorporating fantasy creature taxidermy into their offerings.
2. Film and Entertainment - The film and entertainment industry can leverage this trend by creating and showcasing taxidermy versions of creatures from popular movies and TV shows.
3. Design and Fashion - Designers and fashion houses can incorporate fantasy creature taxidermy into their products to create unique and eye-catching pieces.

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