City Contemplating Captures

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This Collection by Sean Ryan Pierce Captures Private Reflections

Capturing the private reflections of people overlooking New York, photographer Sean Ryan Pierce created a collection aptly named 'The Backs of Strangers Overlooking New York City.' The photo series aims to capture people reflecting as they stare out over the metropolis.

Each photo captures a certain calmness as people escape the busyness of the streets of New York. Up in tall skyscrapers, locals and tourists can look at the bustling city from a more serene perspective.

Instead of traditional metropolis landscape shots, Pierce's photos focus in on a human subject contemplating a scene so that you don't have to. Each figure takes up a large portion of the shot, thus blocking you from taking in the scene that they're reflecting on.
Trend Themes
1. Private Reflections - Capturing the private reflections of individuals observing urban landscapes presents opportunities in photography and art.
2. Escaping the Busyness - Creating serene perspectives for people to escape the busyness of metropolitan areas has potential in architecture and urban planning.
3. Subject-focused Photography - Focusing on human subjects to convey emotions and contemplation opens up possibilities in the field of portraiture and visual storytelling.
Industry Implications
1. Photography - Exploring innovative approaches to capturing private reflections can revolutionize photography techniques and concepts.
2. Art - Integrating private reflections into artwork can provoke thought and emotion, pushing the boundaries of traditional art forms.
3. Urban Planning - Considering the need for serene perspectives in urban areas can lead to innovative designs that enhance the well-being and mental health of city dwellers.

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