Political Swimwear

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Obama, Clinton and McCain Politkinis

"Wear what you think" is the motto; "get behind your favorite candidate" is the action. Contrary to plain Jane politcal slogan T-shirts, buttons or hoodies, swimwear with a message is new and fashionable. Therefore, Politikini launched the Obama, Clinton and McCain swimwear line to meet the demand for political fashion.

Fashion has always been used to express beliefs, ideals, and the convictions of the wearer.

"People want to show what their viewpoints. But merchandise available now is far too unhip to wear. I wanted to create something that is attractive," says designer Antonia Serrell-Watts, hoping that the bikini line will raise awareness for young people to become politically more involved and vote.

"It's a simple fact that there are over 42 million voters between 18 and 30 years old and they are constantly looking for trendy ways to communicate what you think is right."
Trend Themes
1. Political Swimwear - The trend of political swimwear allows people to express their beliefs and convictions in a fashionable way.
2. Fashion as a Platform for Expression - Using fashion as a means of expressing beliefs and ideals is a growing trend.
3. Youth Political Engagement - The demand for trendy merchandise that promotes political involvement among young people is on the rise.
Industry Implications
1. Fashion Retail - The fashion retail industry has the opportunity to capitalize on the trend of political swimwear and provide attractive merchandise for politically engaged individuals.
2. Political Activism - The political activism industry can leverage the trend of fashion as a platform for expression to engage and mobilize young voters.
3. Youth Marketing - The youth marketing industry can tap into the demand for trendy merchandise that allows young people to communicate their political beliefs and viewpoints.

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