Grim Geography Lessons

The Pleated Jeans Graphic Proves Fear Lurks Around Every American Corner

In the spirit of the spooky holiday Halloween, Pleated Jeans released this hilarious graphic entitled the United States of Scary Things. Be afraid, be very afraid, especially if you call the U.S. home, because according to this map there is something to fear in all 50 states. From realistic worries like tornados to the ridiculous like zombie Ralph Nader, this graphic will have you guffawing in no time.

Even the island paradise of Hawaii is not exempt from this terrifying look at US geography. From serial killers to terrifying pests, it seems there is a downside to living anywhere. Perhaps, there is a "grass is always greener" morality lesson hidden somewhere in all this hilariousness.

So, North Dakota, brace yourself for invading Canucks and Oregon beware of the growing army of hipsters in your midst, because things could get hairy this Halloween.
Trend Themes
1. Geographic Fear - Opportunity for companies that deal with security services or emergency measures to leverage the fear of geographic dangers by targeting products and services in specific areas.
2. Location-based Satire - Opportunity for companies that specialize in online entertainment or social media to create location-based satire content to connect with audiences and drive engagement.
3. Humorous Geography Data Visualization - Opportunity for companies to use humorous geography data visualizations to create virality and buzz around their products and services.
Industry Implications
1. Security Services - Companies that deal with security services and emergency measures could leverage the fear associated with geographic dangers by targeting their products and services in specific areas.
2. Entertainment - Companies that specialize in online entertainment or social media could create location-based satire content to connect with audiences and drive engagement.
3. Digital Advertising - Digital advertising companies could integrate humorous geography data visualizations into their campaigns to create virality and buzz around their products and services.

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