Massive Pizza Burger Hybrids

The 'Megaburgerpizza' Creatively Uses a Pizza as a Burger Bun

If you're an Epic Mealtime enthusiast, this pizza burger dish by Japanese Kyoto 'Pizza Little Party' restaurant should be next on your list of intense food hybrids to try. Known as the 'Megaburgerpizza,' this massively over-sized burger uses an entire pizza as the bottom and top bun.

A popular novelty food item in Japan, the pizza burger has been spotted at several fast food joints. The Megaburgerpizza is the pizza burger taken to new extremes. Weighing in at a shocking 2.65 lbs, the Megaburgerpizza substitutes both the bottom and top bun of a traditional burger for two -- yes I repeat two -- small pizzas. Coming in at the equivalent price tag of roughly $30, this pizza burger is no small feast. Probably not one of the best meals for you, if you ever end up in Japan one day make sure to enjoy the Megaburgerpizza with caution.
Trend Themes
1. Food Hybrids - Creating unique combinations of different food items to create new culinary experiences.
2. Novelty Food - Introducing unconventional food items and dishes to attract customers seeking unique dining experiences.
3. Giant Food Creations - Developing oversized food items that offer a visual spectacle and challenge traditional portion sizes.
Industry Implications
1. Restaurant - Opportunity for restaurants to create their own food hybrids and novelty dishes to attract customers and differentiate themselves in the market.
2. Fast Food - Fast food chains can experiment with giant food creations as limited-time offers to generate buzz and drive customer traffic.
3. Food Tourism - Promoting unique food hybrids like the Megaburgerpizza as a tourist attraction, encouraging travelers to visit specific destinations or dining establishments.

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