Gothic Doll-Like Captures

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Pioneers of Now by Natalie Shau is Dark and Fantastical

The Pioneers of Now digital photo series looks like something out of a gothic fairy tale. The women have been manipulated to look like surreal creatures that would only exist in fantasy worlds. Whether they have sparkling crystallized eyes, impossible porcelain skin or theatrical costumes, there is something mysteriously mystical about their existence.

Shot by Natalie Shau, a photographer and illustrator based in Vilnius, Lithuania, the Pioneers of Now digital photo series is reminiscent of her previous work including Would You Be My Miracle and Alice in Wonderland.

The visually striking Pioneers of Now digital photo series was created for the Wacom Talent Audition using SLR cameras, PS and, appropriately, a Wacom tablet.
Trend Themes
1. Dark-fantasy Photography - Opportunities for using photo manipulation software to create fantastical and gothic images for artistic or commercial purposes.
2. Surreal Beauty Standards - Chances to explore and redefine what is considered beautiful or ideal using digital manipulation and avant-garde fashion.
3. Digital Illustration Artistry - Prospects for combining traditional art techniques with photo manipulation to produce visually stunning images that defy reality.
Industry Implications
1. Fashion and Beauty - Fashion brands could incorporate surreal makeup and avant-garde clothing styles inspired by the Pioneers of Now series.
2. Fine Arts - Art galleries and collectors may find interest in acquiring limited edition prints of the Pioneers of Now photo series as fine art pieces.
3. Digital Content Creation - Online media platforms and content creators could use gothic and fantastical images inspired by the Pioneers of Now series to generate engagement and interest in their content.

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