Soulful Schizophrenic Art

Pierre Emmi Explores the Media's Impact on Our Mind

The Mass Mediatus, also referred to as Brain vs. Media, by Pierre-Alain Emmi brings an impressive morbid visual translation of mass media's impact on our brains.

The girl in the image with the bloodied cut mouth brings a scary feel to the piece; the words on her forehead explore how the media can sometimes overflow our minds and curse it. Combined with her schizophrenic look, the fiery orange visuals above her hair, which depict what's in her thoughts, creatively bring a depiction of the sad effect 21st-century media has over us with its everyday negative news sensationalism. Displaying words such as "enemy," "rescue" and "war," the image opens your mind to interpret the art and the words in it however you want.

Pierre-Alain Emmi's sinister message about the media's impact on our minds shows what a brilliant artist he is.
Trend Themes
1. Media Impact Art - The rise of art that explores the impact of media on our mental health creates an opportunity for new artists to emerge and for the art industry to embrace this trend.
2. Schizophrenia Art - Art that depicts and raises awareness about mental illnesses like schizophrenia can disrupt the art industry and provide meaningful ways to discuss and address these topics in modern art.
3. Morbid Art - The rise of morbid art that explores society's issues can create opportunities in the industry for individuals who can communicate social issues through art and design.
Industry Implications
1. Art - The rise of artwork exploring mental health and negative media creates new opportunities in the art world and pushes artists to expand their creativity and messages.
2. Media - The depiction of media's negative impact on mental health in art provides a chance for the media industry to explore and address its effects on society.
3. Design - The use of art to create awareness around social issues provides opportunities for designers and artists to use their skills to create impactful messages that resonate with individuals and bring about change.

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