Coffee Shop App Aperitifs

Coffee & Smartphones Meet With the Starbucks Pick of the Week Program

With the introduction of their Pick of the Week system, it seems as though Starbucks is increasingly aware of the type of customers it attracts: tech-savvy iPhone users.

Apple and Starbucks have had a long, fortuitous relationship, which is best surmised by the free iTunes music available at the coffee shop. Starting now, however, you'll be able to pick up free iOS applications near the cashier. The first program up for grabs is Shazam Encore, a music-identifying app that normally costs $5.99; a veritable deal compared to the free $1.29 songs.

As an everday app-downloader and caffeine-inbiber, the Starbucks Pick of the Week program is right up my alley. Next time I decide to add extra sugar or cream, I'll keep an eye out for those gratis iPhone apps.
Trend Themes
1. Mobile App Promotion - More food and beverage businesses are partnering with mobile apps to offer deals and promotions to customers.
2. Tech Integration in Food and Beverage - Businesses are adopting new technology in order to appeal to tech-savvy customers and improve the customer experience.
3. Cross-industry Partnerships - Partnerships between different industries, such as food and technology, are creating new possibilities for innovation and growth.
Industry Implications
1. Food and Beverage - Food and beverage businesses are partnering with mobile apps to offer deals and promotions to customers.
2. Technology - Businesses are adopting new technology in order to appeal to tech-savvy customers and improve the customer experience.
3. Retail - Retail businesses can leverage the success of cross-industry partnerships to create new innovative products and services.

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