Beacon-Driven Conferences

Pause Fest Attendees Use Beacon Technology to Enjoy Personalized Content

Pause Fest, a creative technology festival and conference held in Melbourne in February, made intelligent use of Apple's iBeacon technology to deliver personalized content and notifications to festival attendees based on their locations.

Attendees who download the Pause Fest companion app can be alerted to keynote presentations that may be taking place near them, and will be able to enjoy video content that complements any installation that they happen to be viewing. The system works by taking advantage of beacons' ability to broadcast tiny radio signals using Bluetooth Smart technology, making it possible to offer contextual experiences via the smartphone app.

Pause Fest's Founder and Creative Director George Hedon summed it up best by pointing out that "beacons give us the opportunity to create unique interactions that enhance the festival experience."
Trend Themes
1. Beacon-driven Experiences - Beacons are being used to create contextual experiences and personalized content delivery.
2. Intelligent Event Notifications - iBeacon technology is being used to alert users to nearby presentations and enhance event experiences.
3. Contextual Content Delivery - Beacons provide opportunities for contextual content delivery to enhance user experiences.
Industry Implications
1. Event Management - Beacon technology can be used to personalize the content and enhance event experiences.
2. Mobile App Development - Developers can utilize beacons to deliver contextual and location-based experiences.
3. Retail - The retail industry can use beacon technology to deliver personalized shopping experiences and targeted marketing campaigns.

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