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Flying Spaghetti Monster Ridicules Religions

Pastafarianism Parodies the Pope...and Mohammed

Pastafarianism; worship of the Flying Spaghetti Monster. One of the core beliefs of Pastafarianism is that pirates are divine beings and we should mimic them by wearing pirate regalia.

The following of Pastafarianism, is sweeping through the world of agnostics and atheists, citing; "since the intelligent design movement uses ambiguous references to an unspecified "Intelligent Designer", this leaves open any conceivable entity to fulfill that role, even a Flying Spaghetti Monster."

The deity of Pastafarianism, is a gigantic wad of noodly spaghetti complete with two meatballs and protruding eyes, and its sacred form has been spotted in everything from spilled coffee grounds to a tree.

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