Painted Illusion Cars

IRL Photoshop Installation 'CTRL+X' Revitalizes Derelict Cars

This painted illusion car was unveiled as a part of the Stenograffia street art festival in Russia.

This installation consists of a graffiti-covered car and dumpster, which look like they were removed from the scene surrounding them. This painted illusion car is called 'CTRL+X,' and is meant to look like a deleted segment in Adobe Photoshop, revealing the program's transparent background. Those familiar with Photoshop will know that when a segment of an image is erased, the program defaults to a white and grey checkered background. Additionally, the name of the piece references the keyboard command for deleting a section.

A team of artists painted the car and dumpster white, and with the help of a projector, drew the checkerboard design onto the targeted area. The piece was then spray painted grey to finish off its look.
Trend Themes
1. Optical Illusion Art - Opportunities for artists and designers to create innovative and captivating art installations that challenge perception and reality.
2. Interactive Street Art - Possibilities for merging art with technology to create engaging experiences for audiences in public spaces.
3. Digital Analogies in Art - Exploring the intersection between digital tools and traditional artistic techniques to create thought-provoking and visually striking installations.
Industry Implications
1. Street Art - Utilizing street art as a medium to transform urban spaces and engage communities in new and unexpected ways.
2. Creative Design - The integration of design thinking and artistic expression to develop unique and visually appealing solutions for various industries.
3. Technology Integration - Incorporating technology, such as projectors and augmented reality, into art installations and exhibitions to enhance the viewer experience.

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