Phobia-Fighting VR Apps

oVRcome is a Virtual Reality Applicaton That Helps People Overcome Fears

Virtual reality can be put to work for many different purposes and oVRcome is a smartphone app that helps people make the most of this technology to overcome their fears. This app provides a sense of immersion with virtual reality and it uses exposure therapy to place sufferers in a safe environment in the presence of their fear, without the direct danger of it.

With a VR headset, users may choose to build their tolerance for walking close to a dog, being surrounded by spiders or standing high up on a cliff.

As part of a randomized trial of 129 people conducted by the app’s New Zealand developers and researchers at the University of Otago, Christchurch confirmed that oVRcome treats fears of flying, needles, heights, dogs and spiders.
Trend Themes
1. Phobia-fighting VR Apps - The development of customized VR apps could revolutionize exposure therapy for individuals with anxiety disorders.
2. Exposure Therapy Through Virtual Reality - Virtual reality technology could drastically reduce the costs and risks associated with exposure therapy, which is a key component of treating anxiety disorders.
3. VR for Mental Health - Virtual reality has the potential to transform the field of mental health by providing innovative and accessible treatment options for individuals with anxiety and other mental health disorders.
Industry Implications
1. Mental Health - The mental health industry could integrate virtual reality technology to provide innovative treatment options and improve the overall efficacy of traditional treatment methods.
2. VR Technology - Virtual reality technology is increasingly being utilized in a variety of industries, including mental health, to improve productivity, communication, and engagement.
3. App Development - The development of customized VR apps presents new opportunities for app developers to create innovative and impactful products that can improve people's lives.

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