Hotel Etiquette Programs

The NYC Plaza Hotel is Offering 'Etiquette Evening' Classes

The NYC Plaza Hotel is now offering etiquette classes in collaboration with Myka Meier of Beaumont Etiquette, who is a American-British citizen trained in part by a former member of The Royal Household of Her Majesty the Queen.

The US-based finishing programs are being offered in different formats, such as six two-hour 'Plaza Proper Etiquette Evening classes' or sessions that are a bit more spread out over the course of three weekends.

In these etiquette classes, adults will be able to learn some of the basics of dining, dating, networking and socializing with decorum, as well as tips on posture and how to dress. These classes at the NYC Plaza Hotel are deliberately kept small so that attendees will be able to get plenty of hands-on attention from Meier and her team.
Trend Themes
1. Etiquette Training - Hotels are offering etiquette programs to upskill adults on dining, dating, networking and socializing with decorum.
2. Personal Finishing Programs - Hotels are offering personalized programs for adults to learn social etiquette, posture and how to dress.
3. Small-group Skill Development - Etiquette classes are deliberately kept small to provide personalized attention for guests who want to develop soft skills.
Industry Implications
1. Hospitality - Hotels can diversify their offerings and stand out by adding Etiquette Programs for adult guests who want to upskill.
2. Education - Educational institutions can collaborate with Etiquette Professionals to teach soft skills to students and employees in various fields.
3. Corporate Events - Companies can arrange small-group etiquette classes as part of their team-building, leadership development, or executive programs.

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