Sous Vide Home Deliveries

Nomiku Meals Works with Expert Chefs on a Frozen Meal Delivery Service

Californian frozen meal delivery service Nomiku Meals works in collaboration with a series of top chefs from its local area on a special partnership. Introducing a selection of specially crafted sous vides meals that can be delivered right to customer's doorsteps.

The meals are created to be cooked with the Nomiku Wi-Fi home sous vide cooking appliances -- it is controlled by an immersion circulator to measure precise water temperatures to properly cook the sealed bags of catered ingredients. Some of the chefs include Tanya Golland and Preeti Mistry, which are the first two chefs to be featured in the service. There will be new chefs every month for the program, delivering good to Colorado, Idaho, Oregon, Utah, New Mexico, Arizona, Texas, California, Washington, and Nevado.
Trend Themes
1. Sous Vide Meal Delivery - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Creating a home delivery service that offers specially crafted sous vide meals for cooking with specific sous vide cooking appliances.
2. Collaboration with Expert Chefs - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Partnering with top chefs to create unique and high-quality meals for delivery services.
3. Monthly Rotating Chef Program - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Introducing a subscription-based service that features a new chef every month, offering customers variety and novelty.
Industry Implications
1. Frozen Meal Delivery - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Bringing high-quality frozen meals to market through a convenient home delivery service.
2. Sous Vide Cooking Appliances - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Developing user-friendly and efficient sous vide cooking appliances that can be controlled remotely through Wi-Fi connectivity.
3. Catering and Food Service - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Innovating the catering and food service industry by offering unique and chef-curated meal options for delivery and consumption.

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