Controversial Cleanser Campaigns

The Nivea Re-Civilize Yourself Ad is Being Questioned as Racist

The Nivea Re-Civilize Yourself ad has become quite the hot topic as people question whether it features racist content. The slogan "Re-civilize yourself" is accompanied by an image of a black model who is about to chuck a disembodied head of his former, uncivilized self, picked-out Afro hair and all. Although it could simply be an arbitrarily chosen, innocent line, there is no doubt that many find it offensive.

As part of the brand's Look Like You Give a Damn campaign, conceived by Draftfcb, the Nivea Re-Civilize Yourself ad does coexist with another one that stars a white model also throwing away his severed, pre-Nivea head. That slogan, however, reads "Sin City isn't an excuse to look like Hell."

Nivea has since apologized, discontinuing the Nivea Re-Civilize Yourself ad.
Trend Themes
1. Controversial Advertising - Opportunities for brands to generate attention and provoke discussion through provocative advertising campaigns.
2. Racial Sensitivity - Increasing awareness and consideration of cultural sensitivities and racial representation in advertising.
3. Reputation Management - The importance of promptly addressing and resolving controversial advertising to mitigate potential damage to brand reputation.
Industry Implications
1. Advertising - Opportunities for advertising agencies to help brands create impactful campaigns while considering cultural sensitivities and avoiding controversy.
2. Consumer Products - The need for companies in the consumer products industry to carefully evaluate and monitor their advertising strategies to maintain positive brand perception.
3. Public Relations - Opportunities for public relations firms to assist companies in crisis management and handling controversial advertising incidents.

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