New Sticker Lets You Know When Fruit is Ripe

New Sticker Lets You Know When Fruit Is Ripe

In line with our trend on eggs that show you when they are done, we now present stickers that tell you when fruit is ripe.

The stickers will be on the market next year, and should help reduce the amount of fruit that is otherwise wasted in supermarkets around the world.

Implications - Food and health are very important for the modern-day consumer due to the rise of obesity and other diseases. Most people now are watching what they eat and when they eat it. Making sure a product is at it's best time for consumption is important to the modern-day consumer. Therefore, if businesses were to bring this concept into the world of marketing their products, they would definitely make the items they sell more attractive.
Trend Themes
1. Smart Food Labels - Smart food labels that communicate real-time information about food items to consumers.
2. Food Waste Reduction - Innovations focused on reducing food waste and improving the shelf-life of food items.
3. Ripe Detection Technology - Technology that can detect fruit ripeness and communicate it to end-users.
Industry Implications
1. Food Retail - Food retailers can adopt ripe detection technology for reducing food waste and enhancing customer experience.
2. Agriculture - Innovations focused on improving crop yields and reducing food spoilage during transportation and storage.
3. Consumer Goods - Consumer goods companies can improve their packaging and labeling for better communication of product information, such as fruit ripeness.

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