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Multipurpose Arctic People Movers

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The Nerpa Transformable Dog Sledge Hauls People and Cargo

The Nerpa Transformable Dog Sledge was designed to be used by families in remote parts of the world. Designer Khitrova Anna created it as a way to turn the typical two-sled household into one that only needed to buy a sled. Those that don't use sleds to get around, the vast majority of the world, don't have to worry about buying two sleds. However, this is apparently an issue in some parts of the world. One sled is used for casual outings and to haul people and another is used for cargo.

The Nerpa Transformable Dog Sledge can haul both cargo and people with its multi-seat design. The sled can haul four people max and can also lug around cargo. While dogsleds aren't the primary mode of transportation for the majority of people, it's nice to see designers paying attention to niche groups in need.

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