Aspiring Explorer Launch Events

This National Geographic Pop-Up Spotlights the 'Explorer Academy'

An interactive National Geographic pop-up was held to call attention to the company's fiction series for kids — "Explorer Academy." The temporary event spanned the course of one day and spotlighted the first installment of the collection, titled 'The Nebula Secret.'

The National Geographic pop-up took up the organizational aesthetic of a recruitment center. Kids were able to not only receive useful and interesting information, but they were also able to embrace the explorer lifestyle through immersive activities like mini archeological digs, conducting experiments in a lab setting and more.

While the plot of the book is informed by "real adventures, science, and exploration of National Geographic explorers," the activities of the pop-up were inspired by "characters and plot twists within the book."

Photo Credits: Craig Barritt/Getty Images for National Geographic
Trend Themes
1. Interactive Pop-up Events for Kids Books - Opportunity to create more pop-up experiences for kids' book launches that are immersive and inspire them to live like the characters in the book.
2. Organizing Events Like a Recruitment Center - Bringing elements of HR recruitment centers in event organizing to make the experience one that ignites people's interests for the products or books.
3. Kids Activities Based on Storyline - Designing immersive activities based on the storyline to help the kids feel closer to the characters and the plot.
Industry Implications
1. Publishing - Publishing industry can engage more readers and boost sales by creating pop-up events like this.
2. Tourism - Tourism industry can design interactive museum exhibitions for kids to learn and have fun at the same time.
3. Entertainment & Media - Movie and TV show producers can create immersive pop-up experiences that are based on shows and movies to get audiences more engaged and invested in the story.

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