Bed-Based Workout Classes

The U.K.'s David Lloyd Clubs Rolled Out the First 'Napercise Class'

It may not be long before gyms in the United States take a page from David Lloyd Clubs and begin offering a Napercise class. The U.K. chain of gyms recently did a trial run of its sleep-based class designed to reinvigorate those are low on energy due to a lack of rest. The class begins with 15 minutes of easygoing stretching and conclude with 45 minutes of uninterrupted napping.

To aid in the napping process all Napercise class attendees are given sleep masks and relaxing atmospheric sounds are played. The temperature of the room is said to help promote calorie burning during sleep. The Napercise class was fully booked out during its first trial run, but David Lloyd Clubs has not said if it will offer another one.
Trend Themes
1. Sleep-based Fitness Classes - The success of the Napercise class shows the potential for gym owners to create more sleep-based fitness classes to cater to the needs of tired consumers.
2. Mindful Wellness Programs - Gyms can provide wellness programs that include meditation, breathing exercises, and other relaxing activities to help people reduce their stress levels and improve overall health.
3. Virtual Sleep Coaching Services - There may be an opportunity to develop virtual coaching services or apps that provide personalized sleep recommendations and routines for individuals seeking better sleep and overall wellness.
Industry Implications
1. Fitness Industry - Gym operators and fitness studios can explore the creation of new classes and programs that focus on holistic well-being, including opportunities for participants to improve their sleep routines.
2. Wellness Industry - There is a potential for wellness centers and spas to incorporate sleep-enhancing programs and services as part of their offerings to help customers improve their overall health and well-being.
3. Technology Industry - The success of the Napercise class highlights the potential for startups to create innovative technology-based solutions, such as wearable devices and sleep tracking apps, aimed at helping people improve the quality of their sleep.

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