Facebook Baby Names

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Israelie Parents Name Their Daughter "Like," After the Facebook Button

Facebook is one of the top social media networks of all time, and has spawned a couple to name their daughter "Like." An Israeli couple wanted to name their daughter something original and modern, so they chose the popular Facebook button.

While looking for creative names, the couple considered a Chinese name as well, but decided to name their daughter "Like" as they believe it is "the modern equivalent of the name Ahava" meaning love. Upon posting a photo of their newborn child, they received 40 "Likes" on Facebook.

Although a bit comical at first, the decision to name their daughter "Like" seems like a good choice. No one will ever forget her name -- however, it may get confusing during her teenage years when the word like is used in overload.
Trend Themes
1. Social Media-inspired Baby Names - Naming children after social media platforms is a growing trend among young parents
2. Original and Symbolic Baby Names - Parents are searching for unique and meaningful names for their children
3. Personalized Baby Names with a Story - Parents are looking for ways to make their children's names memorable and personalized
Industry Implications
1. Naming Services - Naming agencies can offer personalized and meaningful names for newborns
2. Social Media Platforms - Social media platforms can leverage the trend by offering personalized branding opportunities for newborns
3. Children's Fashion Industry - The trend can bring innovative opportunities in the children's fashion industry with the names serving as new inspirations for branding and products

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