Social Surburban Cartography

My City Lives Geo-Tags Video Content Onto Virtual Maps

Using geo-tagging technology, My City Lives combines interactive video with mapping technology to tell the story of a location through its people and culture rather than its streets and physical landmarks.

The company puts users in touch with the sights, sounds and flavor of local hotspots by attaching crowd sourced or company created video content to specific locations on a map.

While Google Streetview and apps like Foursquare are getting close to the heart of the city by incorporating ground-level photos and interaction between users in similar areas, My City Lives takes it one step further by letting users experience the neighborhood they are seeing on a map through the eyes of its inhabitants.

The project explores the definition of traditional cartography by reinventing what one traditionally would see on the map of a city, and what the most important elements of that city are.
Trend Themes
1. Interactive Video Mapping - Using geo-tagging technology, this trend offers interactive video content that provides a more in-depth understanding of a location to its audience.
2. Crowd-sourced Mapping - This trend features a crowd-sourced approach to content, allowing local residents and visitors to contribute to the story of a location.
3. Reinventing Traditional Cartography - This trend breaks with conventional mapping practices by placing emphasis on the culture and people of a city, rather than its streets and infrastructure.
Industry Implications
1. Tourism - This industry can benefit from interactive maps with geo-tagged video content that offer tourists a more immersive experience of the local culture and lifestyle.
2. Real Estate - This industry can utilize crowd-sourced video content to showcase local neighborhoods and amenities areas to potential buyers.
3. Media & Entertainment - This industry can tap into the growing trend of interactive video content to create engaging content for its audience and increase user participation.

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