Near Death Encounters Online

Base Jumper Survives Cliffhanger

With the advent of extreme sports photography and the ubiquity of videocameras worldwide, near death experiences are being captured on film like never before. In this video, Matt Lauer is interviewing Hans Lange, a base jumper who survived a perilous crash that could have killed him--and caught the whole thing on tape.

And in March, Lufthansa passengers got the sickening thrill of a lifetime when their plane attempted to land in Hamburg amid storm-force winds. When wind shear threatened to crash the plane, the pilot pulled the plane up off of the runway and back into the air.
Trend Themes
1. Extreme Sports Photography - Opportunity for developing innovative cameras and equipment to capture high-quality footage of extreme sports activities.
2. Near Death Experience Documentation - Potential to create platforms and technologies for individuals to document and share their near-death experiences.
3. Real-time Video Sharing - Opportunity to develop platforms and applications that enable real-time sharing and streaming of videos captured during near-death encounters.
Industry Implications
1. Camera and Photography Equipment - Disruptive innovation opportunities in developing specialized cameras and accessories for extreme sports photography.
2. Digital Media and Sharing Platforms - Opportunities for creating online platforms and applications dedicated to sharing and documenting near-death experiences.
3. Technology and Aviation - Potential for developing improved aircraft technology and safety measures to prevent tragic accidents during extreme weather conditions.

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