Birthday Wish Initiatives

The Morgan's Sweet Sixteen Foundation Helps Haiti Children Celebrate

The organization Morgan's Sweet Sixteen was started as a heartfelt gesture for those effected in Haiti after the natural devastation.

The organization was started by Morgan Burnard, who started the site as she realized "...that I am so blessed, and in an instant, I could have nothing....I’d be in their shoes. I want to show them that they may not have material items, but they do have love from us, and more importantly, from God."

Morgan's Sweet Sixteen is run by Morgan, her mother Joy, and family friends Hailey and Leslie Golich. The organization is raising funds to host the birthday parties, or as Morgan says, "celebrations of life." In July, the organization will travel to Haiti to host 300 orphans' birthday parties.
Trend Themes
1. Social Impact Birthdays - Creating initiatives to celebrate birthdays and bring joy to those in need.
2. Personalized Giving - Finding unique ways to show love and support to those facing hardships.
3. Volunteer Travel - Combining volunteer work and travel experiences to make a meaningful impact abroad.
Industry Implications
1. Nonprofit - Nonprofit organizations can explore innovative ways to celebrate birthdays and bring happiness to those in need.
2. Travel and Tourism - Travel companies can offer volunteer travel experiences that allow individuals to make a difference while exploring new destinations.
3. Event Planning - Event planning companies can specialize in organizing meaningful birthday celebrations for individuals facing hardships and challenges.

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