Typographic Bus Stops

Art Group 'mmmm…' Have Designed a Meta Space to Wait for the Bus

The art group 'mmmm…' have designed a very meta bus stop for people to wait for public transport. From afar it's hard not to know where one should be standing.

The stop is made up of the letters B, U, and S, which together makes the word BUS. One goal for this installation is to make the piece more than a bus stop, but also an area where people come together and socialize before going their separate ways. Many individuals do not interact in these areas, so hopefully the new design would be a starting point of conversation. Timber and metal were used to put the structure together, and it allows visitors to sit within each typographical element on the site. Photo Credits: designboom, mmmm
Trend Themes
1. Meta Design - The use of typography in bus stop designs presents an opportunity for meta design experiences.
2. Enhanced Public Spaces - Creating bus stops that double as social spaces encourages community interaction and enhances public spaces.
3. Blending Art and Function - Incorporating artistic elements in functional structures like bus stops opens up opportunities for creative and innovative designs.
Industry Implications
1. Public Transportation - The incorporation of design elements in bus stops can revolutionize the experience and infrastructure of public transportation.
2. Urban Planning - Designing bus stops that promote community interaction and socialization contributes to the development of better urban environments.
3. Art and Design - Blending art and function in bus stop designs creates opportunities for artists and designers to showcase their creativity in public spaces.

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