Contemporized Classic Paintings

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Artist Mitch Griffiths is Inspired by Pop Culture and Old Masters

The work of Mitch Griffiths is quite jarring. It takes the style of Old Masters and juxtaposes it with contemporary subject matter such as drug use, celebrity and more. Yet in a way, it still adheres to the vision set forth by such classical painters. Mitch Griffiths addresses similar issues that plagued the past, but that have simply been altered due to the advancement of modern society.

According to his website, Mitch Griffiths' "main subject is the transient and throwaway nature of contemporary culture, which is held in stark contrast to the permanence and indelibility of oil paint on canvas." By dealing with such tough topics as addictions, greed, vanity and more, Mitch Griffiths shows just how little the world has really changed.
Trend Themes
1. Contemporary-classic Art - The trend of blending traditional painting styles with modern subject matter allows artists to explore societal issues in a visually striking and thought-provoking way.
2. Pop Culture Influence - The integration of pop culture references in classical art creates a bridge between past and present, opening up opportunities for innovative storytelling and engaging a wider audience.
3. Exploring Transience - Artists like Mitch Griffiths are capturing the impermanence and fleeting nature of contemporary culture through their artwork, prompting reflection on the societal changes brought by modern advancements.
Industry Implications
1. Art and Culture - The art industry can embrace the trend of contemporized classic paintings to foster new artistic movements and connect with audiences seeking meaningful and relatable experiences.
2. Advertising and Marketing - Incorporating contemporary-classic art into advertising campaigns can create disruptive and attention-grabbing visuals, effectively capturing the interest of consumers and conveying brand messages in a unique way.
3. Education and Museums - Educational institutions and museums can use contemporized classic paintings as a tool to engage visitors and explore the evolution of societal issues, fostering discussions on the impact of modern society on traditional values.

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