Bondage Songstress Films

Quentin Jones' ‘Miley Cyrus Tongue Tied’ Movie is Surreal & Sexy

Quentin Jones' latest short film, ‘Miley Cyrus Tongue Tied,’ features Miley Cyrus "just being Miley." The famous pop star has caused quite the stir since debuting her anti-Disney self. She hones twerking, avoids wearing pants and is extremely comfortable with her sexuality.

This video, composed by famed fashion photographer Quentin Jones, sheds even more light on Miley’s sexy, yet playful, image. She can be seen in geometrical compositions and "cut-and-paste aesthetics" wearing nothing but black duct-tape and being restricted with white and black bindings. Other sexual imagery includes duplicates and fragments of her hanging upside down, wearing fishnet stockings, whipping leather ropes and unsurprisingly, sticking out her tongue.

Sarah Nicole Prickett, who put the video together, relates the short to Walt Disney and his "phantasmagorical dreams of goofy innocence and erotically charged surrealism."
Trend Themes
1. Erotic Art Films - Opportunity to create short films that blend high fashion, sexual expressions, and art in provocative and artistic manner
2. Pop Star Sexuality - Opportunity to explore and challenge social norms regarding pop stars and their sexual identities, expressions, and behaviors
3. Bound and Restrained Aesthetics - Opportunity to incorporate bondage and restriction themes in fashion designs, films, and artwork alike
Industry Implications
1. Fashion - Fashion industry can explore and incorporate bondage and restriction themes in clothing design
2. Film - Film industry can explore and create a new genre of erotic art films through high fashion collaborations
3. Music - Music industry can experiment with sexuality and visual imagery in music videos, performances, and photo shoots

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