NFT-Based Metaverse Tickets

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The 'MetaRing' from Venly is an Access Pass to Digital Content

Venly, the online cryptocurrency platform, has announced an upcoming NFT named the 'MetaRing.' The MetaRing NFT is advertised as being an owner's key to the Metaverse. Venly has announced that its MetaRing NFT will be tied to a variety of Metaverse-centric rewards from digital content to digital experiences. For example, MetaRing owners will gain access to private virtual worlds, virtual items, virtual land, and various other rewards in the Metaverse.

Venly hopes that it can partner with more companies in order to add value and content to its MetaRing through connecting users with a wider range of web3 projects. The Venly MetaRing will cost the cryptocurrency equivalent of $1,000 USD and will be available on March 3rd, 2022, on Venly's website. There will be 900 NFTs sold to the public, 100 NFTs given to Venly partners, and 10 NFTs given away as part of a promotion, meaning 1,010 people will possess a MetaRing.
Trend Themes
1. Metaverse Access Passes - The MetaRing NFT from Venly is just the beginning of a trend toward NFT-based access passes for the Metaverse, allowing owners access to exclusive digital content and experiences.
2. Web3 Partnerships - As more companies and projects enter the Metaverse space, there's an opportunity for companies like Venly to develop partnerships and add value to their NFT-based access passes through wider integration with the web3 ecosystem.
3. Virtual World Rewards - The use of NFTs to provide access to private virtual worlds, digital items, and other rewards within the Metaverse is a trend that's likely to grow as this emerging space continues to attract new users and businesses.
Industry Implications
1. Cryptocurrency Trading Platforms - Platforms like Venly that offer NFTs as access passes to the Metaverse are a disruptive opportunity for cryptocurrency trading platforms, which can provide a valuable service for users looking to purchase and trade these digital assets.
2. Virtual Real Estate - As virtual land becomes a valuable asset within the Metaverse, there is an opportunity for virtual real estate companies to offer NFT-based access passes to exclusive virtual locations and experiences.
3. Gaming - The trend toward NFT-based access passes for the Metaverse is likely to disrupt the gaming industry, as gamers may increasingly value digital access passes and rewards that can be used across multiple virtual worlds and games.

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