3D Room Scanners

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'Matterport' Can Make a Detailed Model in Minutes

Before 'Matterport,' the closet thing one had to 3D images of real-life places was Google street view. Now thanks to this revolutionary company, the world will have the ability to quickly create a digital version of a real room or even a whole building.

The 3D mapping works by using a camera that scans the room and measures the dimensions as it goes. Once the information is processed, it turns into a virtual room that one can maneuver about on their laptop screen.

This invention opens up all sorts of possibilities for nearly any type of business. Realtors could use it to do virtual house tours; retailers could use it let their customers shop at home and hotels could use it to show people what their room will look like.
Trend Themes
1. Virtual House Tours - The real estate industry can utilize 3D room scanners like Matterport to offer virtual house tours to potential buyers, displacing the need for physical home visits.
2. Virtual Shopping Experience - Retailers can leverage 3D room scanner technology to enable customers to shop for products from the comfort of their home, providing a more intuitive retail experience.
3. Virtual Travel Experience - Hotels and travel industry players can adopt 3D room scanner technology to provide travelers with a closer-to-reality experience of the rooms and accommodations, positively influencing booking decisions.
Industry Implications
1. Real Estate - The real estate industry can adopt 3D room scanners to offer virtual house tours and present homes in a more interactive and engaging manner, improving the buying experience.
2. Retail - Retailers can utilize 3D room scanners to enrich their eCommerce capabilities and offer a more immersive online shopping experience to customers.
3. Travel & Hospitality - The travel and hospitality industries can use 3D room scanners to showcase their accommodations and attract visitors by providing a more immersive and detailed representation of their offerings.

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