Suffocating Face Portraits

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These Paintings by Maria Teicher Capture the Serenity of Suffocation

Artist Maria Teicher created a series of thought-provoking images that feature human faces being covered by plastic bags. This uncommon image is often kept for horror films, yet this artist has created each painting with an odd sense of serenity.

The faces of the painter's subjects remain calm and emotionless, but they do not look to be deceased. Artist Maria Teicher allows the viewer to admire the artworks at their own leisure and draw their own conclusions of what each piece of art means to them. Within each frame, there is nothing to look at other then the plastic-covered faces, which forces the viewer to be completely captivated by the image they're seeing.

The calming series of images highlights the artist's ability to combine lifelike textures into a two dimensional image. While other paintings typically use clothing for textural effects, these images mimic a very different material -- plastic.
Trend Themes
1. Serene Suffocation - Opportunity for creating art that challenges conventional perceptions of what is serene or calming.
2. Texture Innovation - Opportunity for using non-traditional materials in art and graphic design to create new textural experiences.
3. Emotionless Faces - Opportunity for exploring emotional detachment and tranquility through facial expressions in various creative mediums.
Industry Implications
1. Fine Arts - Innovative art techniques to attract and engage a wider audience and create new markets.
2. Graphic Design - Opportunity for a unique visual approach in branding campaigns to stand out in a crowded market.
3. Fashion Design - Innovative use of materials in fashion design to create unique textures and fabrics that inspire new apparel options.

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