Secret Boudoir Photography

Marc McAndrews Investigates Legal Brothels Behind the Scenes

Marc McAndrews is a New York-based photographer who specializes in documenting stable but small, almost-forgotten subsections of American life. His subjects have included motels, waitresses, bowling teams, mechanics and the JROTC. Some of his corporate clients inlcude Coca-Cola, the Discovery Channel and Fortune Small Business magazine.

For his latest series, Marc McAndrews took a step further and shot at the Nevada Rose, a legally licensed and operating brothel. The Marc McAndrews 'Nevada Rose' collection just finished its exhibit at the New York Photo Festival 2011 and features images that are an enticing blend of haunting, erotic, forlorn and artistic. Some highlights from the Marc McAndrews collection include the living quarters of the women of the brothel, a customer having a lonely cigarette and a view from outside the ranch.
Trend Themes
1. Documentary Photography - Opportunity for photographers to document and explore unique and often overlooked subcultures of society.
2. Controversial Art Exhibits - Artists pushing boundaries by showcasing provocative and taboo subjects in their work.
3. Legitimization of the Sex Work Industry - Increasing acceptance and recognition of legal brothels as a legitimate business.
Industry Implications
1. Photography - Opportunity for photographers to gain recognition and explore new subjects through documentary photography.
2. Art - Artists can challenge societal norms and provoke discussion through controversial art exhibits.
3. Sex Work - Legal brothels can explore innovative ways to present their industry as legitimate and break down stigma.

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