Ultra-Accurate Motion Capture Gloves

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The MANUS Xsens Metagloves Offer Four-Hours of Use

The MANUS Xsens Metagloves are a finger capture solution for professionals and pro users alike to use as a solution for intuitively tracking the motion of a person's hand. The gloves are rated to deliver millimeter accurate finger tracking thanks to the Quantum track technology to ensure every minute movement is interpreted. The gloves are rated for integrated with the Xsens MVN Animate to let users stream the finger data captured with body data for the creation of a single source.

The MANUS Xsens Metagloves are rated to last up to four-hours per charge on battery power and can be recharged via a built-in USB-C port. A charging station is also available that can support up to six batteries at once.
Trend Themes
1. Ultra-accurate Motion Capture - Advanced motion capture technologies opening up new possibilities for immersive entertainment and virtual reality experiences.
2. Finger Tracking Solutions - The development of wearables that capture fine hand and finger movements may change the way professionals in creative fields work and collaborate.
3. Integrated Body and Hand Tracking - Seamless integration of hand and body tracking capabilities will enable the creation of more realistic, interactive digital environments.
Industry Implications
1. Entertainment - Ultra-accurate motion capture gloves and finger tracking technology has the potential to enhance immersive experiences in the gaming, film, and theme park industries.
2. Healthcare and Rehabilitation - Finger tracking solutions for physical therapy and rehabilitation could help patients regain mobility, dexterity, and strength post-injury.
3. Manufacturing and Robotics - Integration of hand tracking technology could improve the quality and precision in assembly, manufacturing, and robotics engineering.

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