Lifestyle-Oriented Retail Beacons

The New Barney's Manhattan Store Offers Shoppers Holistic Advice

The new Manhattan store location for Barney's New York is turning heads for offering a beautiful shopping experience, but also a digital one to boot.

The new beacon technology being rolled out by the brand will offer customers the ability to receive premium information and content when they're in the store. Moreover, the Barney's New York app will become a more lifestyle-oriented solution for the brand's customers.

Instead of just offering customers information about Barney's products, the app will give restaurant recommendations and much more.

The digital shopping experience created by Barney's features connected sales associates outfitted with iPads to make shopping more personalized for customers. Explaining the new technological experience, Matthew Woosley, VP of Digital for Barney's, said: "The most important touchpoint is the phone. We’re proud of the way we’ve used our customer data online and offline to be fluidly connected -- it allows for a personalized, consistent experience in store and online."
Trend Themes
1. Beacon Technology - Beacon technology is revolutionizing the retail industry by providing customers access to valuable information and content while shopping in-store.
2. Lifestyle-oriented Apps - Retailers are offering customers more than just product information through apps, but also restaurant recommendations and other lifestyle-related tips.
3. Connected Sales Associates - Retailers are connecting sales associates with technology such as iPads to provide more personalized, fluid experiences for customers.
Industry Implications
1. Retail Industry - The retail industry is utilizing beacon technology and lifestyle-oriented apps to enhance the in-store shopping experience.
2. Technology Industry - The technology industry is enabling retailers to become more connected by providing the necessary infrastructure for beacons and other in-store technologies.
3. Hospitality Industry - The hospitality industry can benefit from partnering with retailers by providing targeted restaurant recommendations and other services through their apps.

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