Popular Opinion-Gauging Quizzes

MajorityRules Isn't About Getting the Right Answer

Trivia games are usually centered around users guessing the correct answer to a given question, but with MajorityRules, what's right is inconsequential. The creative quiz game instead tasks users with picking the option that other users would be most likely to select, making it a game of popular mind-reading rather than concrete knowledge.

MajorityRules has a similar structure to the hugely popular HQ Trivia app. It is a live game that's hosted a few times a day, and it has a live host as well. The difference is in the style of questions. The app's questions are all open-ended: "Name a popular snack at a movie theater", for example. Users who type in the answer that the most other users entered, like "popcorn", will gain a point, and any users who get the top answer on all ten questions win the daily prize.
Trend Themes
1. Popular Mind-reading Games - There is an opportunity for businesses to create popular mind-reading games similar to MajorityRules rather than traditional trivia games.
2. Open-ended Quiz Questions - Creating quizzes with open-ended questions in which players must guess the most popular answer could be a new trend in quiz games.
3. Live Hosted Quiz Games - Developing live hosted quiz games with creative question structures like MajorityRules could be a trend in the gaming industry.
Industry Implications
1. Mobile Gaming - The mobile gaming industry could benefit from developing games like MajorityRules with a focus on popular mind-reading rather than knowledge-based quizzes.
2. Social Media - Integrating popular opinion-gauging quizzes like MajorityRules into social media platforms could be a new feature and engagement tool.
3. Market Research - Market research firms may find value in developing similar open-ended quizzes to gauge public opinion in a fun and interactive way.

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