Bespoke Skincare Serums

Universkin Crafts Pharmaceutical-Grade Made-to-Order Skincare

Machine learning, artificial intelligence and augmented reality are playing a large part in the formation of made-to-order skincare products and experiences, in both in-store and at-home settings. Now, a handful of beauty companies are focusing on creating highly personalized products for consumers, including French company Universkin.

Universkin sets itself apart by creating customized pharmaceutical-grade serums that are formulated by a doctor to suit one's specific skincare needs. Universkin's three-step process (Connect, Consult, Continue) has consumers begin with a questionnaire, consult with a doctor and use their personalized skin serum.

The bespoke serums last between six to eight weeks, with Universkin noting: "As your skin and the environmental factors around you change, your formula will evolve." As the input of a doctor is integral to Universkin's model, professionals help consumers every step of the way.
Trend Themes
1. Machine Learning in Skincare - Using machine learning algorithms to create custom skincare products based on individual needs.
2. Artificial Intelligence in Beauty Consultations - Utilizing artificial intelligence to provide personalized consultations and recommendations for skincare routines.
3. Augmented Reality in Virtual Skincare Experiences - Using augmented reality technology to create immersive virtual experiences for trying and selecting skincare products.
Industry Implications
1. Pharmaceutical Manufacturing - Exploring disruptive innovation opportunities in the customized manufacturing of pharmaceutical-grade skincare products.
2. Beauty Consultation Services - Opportunities for disrupting beauty consultation services through AI-powered personalized recommendations and advice.
3. Virtual Reality Hardware and Software - Developing innovative VR hardware and software solutions for immersive virtual skincare experiences.

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