Test-Resistant Poppy Seeds

FDL's Low Morphine Poppy Blend Prevent False Positives on Drug Tests

Fans of the 90s sitcom 'Seinfeld' will have heard the outlandish but true scenario whereby eating poppy seeds can contribute to a false positive on a drug test (due to the seeds' trace amounts of morphine,) and so FDL, an ingredients company based out of London, has created a new strain of the seed called Low Morphine Poppy Blend to address the problem. As drug tests are becoming more common in workplaces, the Low Morphine Poppy Blend should prevent the type of misunderstanding that, though somewhat absurd in nature, can genuinely lead to lost employment and workplace mistrust.

FDL's poppy seed blend isn't the only type of poppy seed to have a reduced level of morphine. Poppy seeds grown in Eastern Europe typically have a low concentration, but those seeds are also far more expensive than locally grown variants. By blending the two, FDL achieved a low-cost option that cuts morphine by nearly 98 percent.
Trend Themes
1. Low-cost Morphine-free Ingredients - Developing ingredients with reduced morphine levels to address the issue of false positives on drug tests.
2. Workplace Drug Testing - Increasing prevalence of drug tests in workplaces creating a need for reliable solutions that prevent false positives.
3. Tracing Origin of Ingredients - Growing demand for locally grown variants and traceable ingredients to ensure quality and safety.
Industry Implications
1. Food and Beverage - Food and beverage manufacturers seeking low-cost morphine-free ingredients to prevent issues with drug tests.
2. Workplace Safety - Companies engaged in workplace drug testing in need of reliable solutions to prevent false positives.
3. Agriculture - Increased demand for locally grown variants and traceable ingredients driving innovation in the agriculture industry.

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