Extreme Photoshopped TV Hosts

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The Hosts of TODAY Were Photoshopped for the Love Your Selfie Series

As part of their Love Your Selfie body image series, the anchors of the popular NBC morning talk show TODAY under went a photoshop experiment.

Working with the editor-in-chief for Cosmopolitan Magazine Joanna Coles, hosts Matt Lauer, Savannah Guthrie, Al Roker and Natalie Morales all took a few photos and let photographers remove their flaws in order to create a computer perfected image. Meant to show the extremes of photoshopping, the images show just how much was changed: from whitened teeth, enlarged eyes, brighter lips, bigger busts and adding hair, just to name a few.

Designed with the goal of tackling how people–especially young girls–receive a distorted image of how they're supposed to look, the Love Your Selfie series appears to have been successful in starting a dialogue.
Trend Themes
1. Body Positive Movement - As more people recognize the need for realistic standards and truer depictions of natural beauty, businesses can look to promote authentic representation through their marketing campaigns, products and services.
2. Authentic Branding - By embracing the true essence of their brand through transparency and honesty in their marketing campaigns, companies can build stronger relationships and foster greater trust with consumers.
3. Realistic Advertising - Consumers are increasingly seeking campaigns with representation of diverse and authentic individuals to better relate to and empathize with brands and products.
Industry Implications
1. Beauty & Cosmetics - With the beauty industry being one of the largest culprits of perpetuating unrealistic beauty standards, there is an opportunity to not only market to a wider, more diverse audience but to promote features that allow consumers to see themselves in the products they use.
2. Fashion - As more individuals seek fashionable and affordable clothing brands, companies can look to promote diversity and inclusivity in their clothing lines.
3. Advertising & Marketing - Through more inclusive marketing campaigns, advertising agencies can create content that resonates with customers while increasing company profits.

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