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Modernized Vintage Film Cams

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Make Retro Clips with the LomoKino Super 35

Most folks nowadays want the gritty 70s/80s vintage look in their pictures and movies which is difficult considering how most of that equipment is now defunct; however, there is the option of the LomoKino Super 35.

While the LomoKino Super 35 isn't exactly the same equipment that was used back in the day, it does replicate some of the aesthetics. Think of it as the modernized version of vintage cameras made for the present generation. The LomoKino does actually use 35mm film cartridges so it's as legit as it gets. It can shoot 144 images over 60 seconds while you move the hand-crank which powers the camera; therefore no batteries are required. You do however need the Lomokinoscope in order to replay filmstrips, but there's always the option of scanning the developed film and loading the images to your computer.

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