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Talking Anatomical Models

Using Technology to Supercharge Anatomy Class

Anatomical models haven't changed in years. These 'dumb' educational sculptures collect dust, grime and formaldehyde, rendering them even less useful.

To bring these models into the 21st century, Dr. Michael Dauzvardis, Director of the Multi-Function Lab at Loyola Medical Center, has upgraded these molded organs courtesy of the Livescribe pen.

By placing pre-coded labels on various parts of the heart it becomes an interactive educational piece. Simply tap it with the pen and a recorded message teaches you about that specific area.

The marker labels can even be laminated and placed inside actual cadavers.

Implications - This technology makes the educational experience more teacher and textbook independent.  It also frees the student from the constraints of needing to be in the room when the instructor is present - students can go into the lab at any time and study. 

This same technology could be adapted to even larger environments.  Labels could be placed at stations in a room and as these are tapped, people can learn about what it is they’re seeing/tasting/smelling/hearing/etc.

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