Ancient VR Cereal Launches

Kellogg’s Ancient Legends Held Tastings Enhanced with Virtual Reality

The new Kellogg’s Ancient Legends cereal recently launched in the UK with a creative virtual reality experience that allowed users to taste the new product while immersed in the world of Cleopatra. The innovative brand activation made use of the latest Oculus Rift technology, as well as the magnetic motion tracker Razr Hydra.

The multi-sensory journey invited guests to sit down and enjoy a bowl of Kellogg’s Ancient Legends cereal while wearing the VR headset, which transported them to ancient Egypt. The campaign was supported on social media under the #BreakfastofLegends hashtag.

The clever campaign is inspired by the fact that the nutritious ingredients in Kellogg’s Ancient Legends like flax seeds, chia, spelt and quinoa, all grains favored in the age of Cleopatra. The experience is characterized by its success of conflating the recipe of the cereal with time-tested ancient remedies.
Trend Themes
1. Virtual Reality Brand Activations - Brands can create immersive experiences for consumers through the use of virtual reality technology, allowing them to engage with products in new ways.
2. Incorporating Traditional Ingredients Into Modern Products - Brands can connect with consumers by incorporating traditional or historical ingredients into new products, highlighting their nutritional value and cultural significance.
3. Multi-sensory Marketing Experiences - Brand activations that engage multiple senses can create a more memorable and impactful experience for consumers, increasing brand awareness and loyalty.
Industry Implications
1. Food and Beverage - Companies in the food and beverage industry can create unique marketing campaigns by incorporating traditional or historical ingredients into new products and using immersive technology to drive engagement and awareness.
2. Technology - Companies in the technology industry, specifically those involved in virtual reality and motion tracking technology, can partner with brands to create immersive experiences for consumers.
3. Advertising and Marketing - Agencies in the advertising and marketing industry can leverage multi-sensory experiences and new technology to create innovative brand activations for their clients.

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