Touching Healthcare Service Ads

The Kaiser Permanente Healthcare Ad Shows Monumental Life Moments

The advertising campaign for Kaiser Permanente healthcare services pulls at the audience's heartstrings in order to showcase the importance of good health. This particular commercial highlights important life moments and milestones shared within families. By highlighting the importance of being present for these moments, this ad encourages people to be conscious of their health and ensure that they will be around for these memorable milestones.

The ultimate goal of Kaiser Permanente's healthcare ads is to promote the company's service which currently aids over 10 million members with products of preventive medicine. The service also ensures members have accessibility to the brand anytime and anywhere.

This ad series titled ‘Thrive’ demonstrates the brand's "goal of a long, healthy, thriving life for each of its members and for the communities." This theme is shown by highlighting important life events including a child's first steps, weddings and even backyard barbecues that encourage family bonding.
Trend Themes
1. Heartstring Ads - Creating emotional connections with audiences through advertising campaigns to build brand loyalty and awareness.
2. Healthcare Emotional Marketing - Using emotional storytelling in healthcare advertising to communicate the value of good health and promote healthcare services.
3. Preventive Medicine Marketing - Advertising healthcare services that encourage preventive medicine as a means of promoting good health and preventing long-term illnesses.
Industry Implications
1. Healthcare Insurance - Incorporating emotional marketing messages that focus on preventive medicine to build brand awareness and attract new customers.
2. Pharmaceuticals - Promoting the value of preventive medicine in pharmaceutical advertising campaigns to encourage healthy habits and lifestyles.
3. Digital Health - Integrating emotional marketing messages into digital health apps and services to encourage healthy habits and preventive medicine.

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