Reduced Plastic Crisp Packaging

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The Joyfull Bakery Parmesan Crisps are Debuting New Packaging

The Joyfull Bakery Parmesan Crisps are being given a refresh with new packaging and flavors to keep them relevant for today's consumer. The brand is introducing refreshed packaging that's made with 25% less plastic than the original along with two new flavors including Five Seed and Jalapeño. The brand is also showing off new branding across its entire line of Parmesan Crisps to highlight their artisan profile that consists of slow-oven-baked crisps crafted in small batches.

The Joyfull Bakery Parmesan Crisps will start showing up on store shelves on a national basis starting in July 2022 just in time for the busy summertime entertaining season. Priced at $7 per pack, the crisps come in three-ounce packages.
Trend Themes
1. Reduced Plastic Packaging - Reducing plastic usage in packaging can lead to cost savings, more eco-friendly offerings, and appeal to consumers who prioritize sustainability.
2. New Flavor Offerings - Introducing new flavors can expand a brand's customer base, increase revenue, and create opportunities for partnerships and collaborations.
3. Artisan Branding - Emphasizing the artisanal profile of a product can differentiate it from other offerings, create brand loyalty, and justify premium pricing.
Industry Implications
1. Snack Manufacturing - Reducing plastic usage in snack packaging can lead to cost savings and appeal to consumers who prioritize sustainability while introducing new flavors and emphasizing artisanal branding can create competitive advantages, attract new markets and generate brand loyalty.
2. Food Distribution - By promoting trends in sustainability and health in distribution practices, businesses can better appeal to and retain customers while improving their public image and complying with regulations and laws.
3. Retail Industry - By staying up to date with consumer trends in sustainability, packaging design, and new flavor profiles, businesses can cater to their customers and drive sales in a competitive marketplace.

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