Peculiar Smudged Paintings

Joshua Dildine Consciously Smears Compositions to Produce Art

Often times, artists fear smudging their art near the final stages of production, but in the case of Joshua Dildine, it seems it’s a welcomed part of the process. His idiosyncratic mixed media pieces all feature large slabs of paint smeared on top of an image in a controlled, yet seemingly random manner. The results are nonsensical when approached logically, yet there’s undeniable visual appeal when looking at his work.

Also notable of these Joshua Dildine pieces is its color combinations. The chromatic selections of paint Dildine decides to slap onto his compositions always compliment the photographs he uses as his canvases. And since the paint he coats each image in is thick and not entirely mixed, it creates a marble effect, giving his renderings even that much more appeal.
Trend Themes
1. Mixed Media Art - Exploring unconventional methods of applying paint to create unique and visually appealing compositions.
2. Embracing Imperfection - Integrating deliberate smudging and smearing techniques as an intentional part of the artistic process.
3. Innovative Use of Color - Experimenting with unconventional color combinations to enhance the visual impact of artwork.
Industry Implications
1. Art and Design - Opportunities for artists to push boundaries and challenge traditional art techniques.
2. Home Decor - Creating demand for unconventional and visually engaging artwork to decorate interior spaces.
3. Fashion and Textiles - Inspiring unique patterns and color combinations for textile designs and fashion collections.

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